Our Mission: The Calgary Family Therapy Centre will maintain a well-integrated and high-quality service, education, and research program in systemic family therapy.
The Centre is housed on the 6th floor of One Executive Place on Crowchild Trail in northwest Calgary. About 25 staff members participate part-time or full-time on either the therapy team or the administrative team.
The therapy team includes professional therapists and interns from the fields of psychiatry, psychology, counselling, social work, and sometimes nursing. They work collaboratively with families whose children are experiencing psychological, emotional, and/or behavioral problems with the primary goal of enabling these families to develop their own methods of managing these problems more effectively. Several members of the therapy team are also involved in supervision, teaching, and research activities.
The administrative team includes professionals, an administrator, a secretary, a receptionist, a video technician, and volunteers (e.g. a web designer and IT helpers). Accounting services are purchased from Woods Homes who manage the Centre’s funds.