Calgary Family Therapy Centre is offering free therapy for families with children ages 18 and under who are experiencing emotional and behavioural problems. Common problems that we tackle include parent-child conflict, anxiety, depression, ADHD, aggression, and school avoidance and refusal.
To provide the most efficient and highest quality service to the largest number of families, the Calgary Family Therapy Centre works as a professional team for both the regular track and fast track services (click on links for more information).
This means that:
• Your primary therapist may invite a colleague to join your session as an active participant in the room or in an observational, supporting capacity to add another perspective to your therapy
• One or more of our interns, who are actively providing therapy for families on their own caseload, may join a session conducted by a more senior therapist in an observational capacity to improve their skills
• One of the team may join a session in an observational position to provide supervision for your primary therapist
• On some occasions a small group of professionals will observe a session and then collectively provide additional input for the family in what we call a reflecting team, a process that most of our families describe as interesting and useful
• While family information may be shared within the team, all members of the team are ethically required to maintain confidentiality. Information will not be shared with outside professionals without explicit consent from the family.